How You Know You’re Ready to Hire a Developer Advocate

Bringing on a developer advocate without a clear strategy is like hiring a captain for a ship without a destination or a map.

How You Know You’re Ready to Hire a Developer Advocate
Photo by Mike Hindle / Unsplash

DevRel isn't just another tech buzzword—it's a powerful force that can fundamentally shape a company's success in the developer product space. When executed effectively, a strong Developer Relations program can dramatically accelerate product adoption, foster a vibrant and loyal community, and drive innovation through real-world feedback. The impact is tangible: increased user retention, product innovation, and, ultimately, a stronger bottom line. However, the key to unlocking this potential is not in hastily hiring a developer advocate but in crafting a DevRel strategy that aligns with your company's unique goals and vision.

Before you post that job listing for a developer advocate, it's crucial that your team and founders have a solid understanding of your developer strategy. This isn't just about having a vague idea of "engaging with developers" – it's about having a comprehensive plan that aligns with your business goals, understands your target audience, and maps out the developer journey from discovery to scale. Your strategy should be a north star, guiding all your developer-focused initiatives and ensuring that every effort contributes to your overall business objectives.

To illustrate what a developer or DevRel strategy might look like, let's explore an example for a fictional company called CodeSync. This basic strategy outlines everything from target personas and content plans to community building initiatives and metrics for success, while also leaving space for creativity of action. By having this level of detail ironed out before hiring, you ensure that your first developer advocate can hit the ground running, armed with a clear understanding of their role, goals, and the value they need to deliver.

Notice: The strategy provided below is very basic. Each area should be expanded to produce a truly executable developer relations strategy. However, if you can define these basic details, you're likely ready to bring in developer relations and allow them to define the greater details.

[Basic] DevRel Strategy for CodeSync

Example & template for a fake company, CodeSync.

Executive Summary

CodeSync is a rapidly growing startup that provides a real-time code collaboration platform for development teams. Our DevRel strategy aims to build a thriving developer community around CodeSync, drive adoption, and establish CodeSync as the go-to solution for remote pair programming and code review.

Goals and Objectives

Align with Business Goals

  • Increase active users by 50% within 12 months
  • Achieve 30% conversion rate from free to paid plans
  • Establish CodeSync as a thought leader in collaborative coding

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  • Monthly Active Users (MAU)
  • User retention rate
  • Community engagement metrics
  • Developer satisfaction score
  • Revenue influenced
  • Time to meaningful product use

Target Audience

Primary Developer Personas

  1. “Team Lead Tina": Experienced developer managing remote teams
  2. "Startup Sam": Founder-developer of a small, distributed startup
  3. "Enterprise Eric": Senior developer in a large corporation

Segmentation Strategy

  • Focus on remote/distributed development teams
  • Target developers using popular IDEs (VS Code, JetBrains, Sublime)
  • Emphasize solutions for specific languages (JavaScript, Python, Java)

Developer Journey Mapping

  • Discover: Improve SEO, create a compelling content strategy
  • Evaluate: Offer frictionless sign-up, comprehensive documentation
  • Learn: Provide interactive tutorials and webinars, self-serve or AI resources
  • Build: Support easy integration with existing workflows, time-saving SDKs
  • Scale: Offer advanced features and product roadmap reviews

Developer Experience (DX) Strategy

  • Streamline onboarding process
  • Enhance real-time collaboration features
  • Improve API documentation and provide SDKs
  • Regular usability testing and improvements

Content Strategy

Types of Content

  • Blog posts on collaborative coding best practices
  • Video tutorials on CodeSync features
  • Case studies of successful remote teams using CodeSync

Content Calendar 

Publish new content weekly, aligning with product updates and industry events

Distribution Channels 

  • CodeSync blog
  • YouTube channel
  • Medium publications
  • Social media (Twitter, LinkedIn)

Content Topic Focuses

"Team Lead Tina" - Experienced developer managing remote teams

"5 Strategies to Boost Code Quality in Distributed Teams"

  • Explore challenges like inconsistent coding standards and fragmented reviews
  • Discuss solutions, including automated linting, regular code pairing sessions, and collaborative real-time code reviews (mentioning CodeSync as one tool that enables this)

"Fostering a Culture of Knowledge Sharing in Remote Dev Teams"

  • Address the pain point of siloed knowledge in distributed teams
  • Provide tips on creating a knowledge base, implementing "virtual pair programming" sessions, and using collaborative platforms (with a nod to CodeSync's features)

"Balancing Autonomy and Collaboration in Remote Development"

  • Discuss the challenge of micromanagement vs. isolation in remote work
  • Offer strategies for asynchronous updates, scheduled collaboration time, and tools that allow for both independent and joint coding sessions

"Startup Sam" - Founder-developer of a small, distributed startup

"Scaling Your Codebase Without Scaling Your Team: Tips for Startups"

  • Address the pain of maintaining code quality with limited resources
  • Discuss strategies like modular architecture, effective code review processes, and leveraging collaborative tools (mentioning how CodeSync can help small teams punch above their weight)

"From Solo to Team: Transitioning Your Coding Workflow as Your Startup Grows"

  • Explore the challenges of moving from individual coding to team collaboration
  • Provide guidance on setting up collaborative workflows, choosing the right tools, and establishing coding standards (with CodeSync as an example of a scalable solution)

"Securing Early-Stage Funding: How to Impress Investors with Your Tech"

  • Discuss the pressure of showcasing technical progress to potential investors
  • Offer tips on demonstrating scalability, team efficiency, and innovative approaches (subtly highlighting how tools like CodeSync can showcase a startup's technical sophistication)

"Enterprise Eric" - Senior developer in a large corporation

"Breaking Down Silos: Improving Cross-Team Collaboration in Large-Scale Development Projects"

  • Address the pain point of poor communication between different teams or departments
  • Discuss strategies for shared codebases, cross-team code reviews, and collaborative debugging sessions (mentioning CodeSync's enterprise-grade features)

"Maintaining Agility in Enterprise Development: Tools and Techniques"

  • Explore the challenge of staying nimble within the constraints of a large organization
  • Provide insights on adopting flexible tools, implementing efficient code review processes, and fostering a culture of continuous collaboration (with CodeSync as an example of an enterprise-ready agile tool)

"Balancing Innovation and Stability in Legacy Code Environments"

  • Discuss the pain of modernizing legacy systems while maintaining stability
  • Offer approaches for gradual refactoring, collaborative code exploration, and safe experimentation (noting how CodeSync can facilitate these processes in complex codebases).

Community Building

  • Launch a CodeSync Community Forum
  • Create a "CodeSync Champions" program for active community members
  • Host monthly "CodeSync Office Hours" for Q&A and feedback

Events Strategy

  • Sponsor and speak at relevant conferences (e.g., GitCon, That Conference)
  • Host quarterly "CodeSync Collaborative Coding Challenge"
  • Organize bi-monthly virtual meetups on remote collaboration topics

Feedback Loop

  • Implement an in-app feedback mechanism
  • Conduct quarterly user surveys
  • Establish a "CodeSync Advisory Board" with key users

Metrics and Analytics

Create a DevRel dashboard for real-time tracking of KPIs

Key metrics

  • User acquisition and activation rates
  • Feature adoption rates
  • Community participation levels
  • NPS (Net Promoter Score)
  • Time to meaningful product use
  • Revenue influenced

Team Structure and Roles

Collaborate closely with Product and Engineering teams

DevRel Team

  • 1 DevRel Leader
  • 2 Developer Advocates
  • 1 Technical Writer
  • 1 Community Manager

Budget and Resources

Allocate 40% of the overall marketing budget to DevRel activities

Timeline and Roadmap

Short-term (0-6 months)

  • Launch Community Forum
  • Implement feedback mechanisms
  • Start regular content production

Medium-term (6-12 months)

  • Host first major CodeSync event
  • Launch CodeSync Champions program
  • Expand to two new geographic markets

Long-term (1-3 years)

  • Establish CodeSync as a leader in collaborative development
  • Build integrations & partnerships with major CI/CD platforms
  • Expand DevRel team to support growth

Risks and Mitigation Strategies


Low community engagement


Invest in community management and incentivize participation


Difficulty in measuring ROI


Establish clear KPIs and tracking mechanisms from the start


This strategy positions CodeSync to build a strong, engaged developer community, drive product adoption, and establish itself as a leader in collaborative coding solutions. By focusing on delivering value to developers at every stage of their journey, we aim to create a sustainable ecosystem around CodeSync that fuels long-term growth and innovation.