Results & Kind Words

We much prefer to let data and others speak for us.

Passion for Developers, Dev Tools, & Deep Care for Results

Tessa's passion for the DevRel work was very much a differentiating factor. In our conversations, her enthusiasm for a good Dev Experience and DevRel function stood out. It gave us confidence that she's not only skilled at her craft but also cares deeply about the quality of her work. 
- Fiona Li, Tiny Fish, AgentQL AI-Powered Data Scraping
Developer Traction Audit leads to #1 Product Hunt Product of the Day & Week for AI-powered Data Scraping Dev Tool, AgentQL
Learn how a developer experience audit transformed AgentQL’s product, leading to a #1 Product Hunt launch and increased user engagement.

She'll Break Every Barrier and Push Through Every Issue to Drive Results

"Dogged persistence is what I think separates Tessa from everybody else. The difference is, when she's on the trail for her client, she's going to run as hard as she can. She'll break every barrier and push through every issue to deliver for them. This level of partnership is unlike anything they've ever experienced. If I were talking to them, I'd say, "Listen, there will be many people who can do this. here's the difference you're going to see from Tessa: dogged pursuit."
Chris Lema, CEO of Motivations.AI
From Beta to Thriving Dev Ecosystem
Transform our beta product into a widely adopted, robust platform for building augmented reality experiences in websites and apps via our SDK.

Deep Understanding of Developer Needs and Ability to Bring a Team Together to Drive Results

The first thing that comes to mind about Tessa is that she deeply understands the wants and needs of the developer audience and is able to empathize with them and advocate for them with internal teams. To say another way, she's great at ensuring the teams that build products for developers do so in a way that is developer-friendly and gets at the core of the problem they’re trying to solve. As a bonus, I think she's great at putting all of this into detailed strategy, documents, and plans that are easy to follow and help rally a team behind her to solve.
- Alston Cheek, SnapAR, Camera Kit SDK

Hi 👋 I'm Tessa Kriesel

And I love hanging with the "nerd herd."

CEO of Built for Devs, Tessa fast-tracks developer tools from idea to essential. With 10+ years in DevRel leadership, she guides startups and enterprises in building developer programs that boost adoption and revenue. Tessa transforms promising dev tools into must-have favorites.

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